(AP Photo/Frank Franklin II)
In a radio interview with Ring Talk, host Pedro Fernandez asked boxer Kermit Cintron about the upcoming HBO Pacquiao vs. Cotto fight, Kermit Cintron, who fights at the 147 and 154 pound weight classes, told Fernandez that he believes Manny Pacquiao is on some type of steroids/enhancers.
“I just think that… I honestly think that he is taking something, because a lot of fighters coming up in weight like that, 40 something pounds… he just looks ripped like Bruce Lee. A lot of people who come up in weight like that don’t look as ripped as he is, they hold a lot of water weight. I just believe he is taking something. I think he is taking something that’s for sure. I don’t know what it is, whatever he is taking its not coming up in the drug test. I honestly believe he is taking something, no 112 pounder comes up to 147, to look the way he does, he is taking something. Definitely, people who come up in weight like that they look soft, they don’t look as ripped like when they fought at the weight they started. Its definitely questionable.”
Cintron was not the first person to accuse Manny Pacquiao of taking steroids. Floyd Mayweather Sr. has also claimed the same thing in a past interview Video Interview: Floyd Mayweather Sr. Accuses Pacquiao of Taking Steroids,Supplements
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