A Million Styles Boxing
Barry Robinson Jr. grew up in New York City as an avid basketball player and a recreational boxer. As a young man, Barry realized he needed a change in atmosphere and served four years in the United States Navy. While in the Navy Barry learned not only efficiency and discipline, but most importantly attention to detail and accountability. Upon completion of his tour in the Navy, with newly found passion and mastery of his natural leadership ability, he focused on personal training and boxing training.
To Barry, boxing is an art. He respects it and studies the sport maniacally. After studying for a short time in New York City, he took his talents and knowledge to Europe where he continued to perfect his craft in Norway, Sweden, Holland, Denmark, Belgium, Curacao, and England. After training at different gyms, he realized all different coaches have their own unique styles. This is where his idea of A Million Styles Boxing came to fruition. A Million Styles Boxing means its better to have a little bit of everything than just one style: Train Every Style.
Barry uses this idea in a multi-faceted company. He trains athletes for competition. He works with Professional and Amateur Boxers; sometimes as a head coach and in some instances as a focus mitt specialist. Even more, he also specialize working with Mixed Martial Artists and Thai Boxers. Why specialize? He realized pure boxing does not work for Mixed Martial Artist and Thai Boxers, thus he perfected boxing for MMA and Thai Boxing.
The mission is simple: Train Every Style. Give a fighter every option and their natural style and creativity will blossom on it’s own!
Link to website: http://www.amillionstylesboxing.com/
Link to YouTube: www.youtube.com/millionstylesboksing