By Diego Vargas
My round by round analysis and review of the Shawn Porter vs. Kell Brook IBF world welterweight championship fight.
Shawn Porter (24-0, 1D 15ko) vs. Kell Brook (32-0 22ko)
Round 1 Porter with aggression. Brook coming out technical picking his shots. Porter definitely more aggressive but not very clean punches.
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Round 2 Porter still attacking still aggressive, not very clean or accurate punches. Brook clinching every time Porter comes in, Brook with fewer shots but accurate shots. Brook gets cut over his eye late in the round due to what looked to be a head butt.
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Round 3 both fighters come out cautious Porter lunges in, Brook clinches. Porter tries to work on Brook on the inside, but is not effective. Brook making porter miss with his head movement, however Brook not really throwing any punches. Porter continues to stalk Brook, Brook catches porter with a hard right cross.
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Round 4 Porter continues roughing up Brook. Porter missing bad with lunging punches cannot catch Brook with a clean punch. Brook mostly clinching. Porter looks tired, Brook very cautious with his punches not putting punches together. Porter working the body with looping hooks, last 10 seconds ends in clinching.
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Round 5 Porter comes out punching and stalking. Brook clinching a lot. Porter trying to make it a dog fight. Excessive clinching from Brook, Brook manages to catch porter a few times, but doesn’t really throw anything other then a jab or cross. Porter continues the pressure.
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Round 6 Porter relentless of on the inside still throwing a lot of punches from awkward angles. Brook does his best to block. No fighter hurt yet. Cut above Porters eye due to head butt
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Round 7 both fighters look tired but Porter still fighting like a mini Tyson trying to work his way to the inside and land a strong hook and does momentarily stop Brook, Brook catches Porter as well but no fighter really hurt. both fighters clinching late in the round then Porter starting to fight with his hands down moving around the ring. Porter comes back with wild punches and catches Brook, Brook later comes back and momentarily stuns Porter, Porter clinches and quickly recuperates.
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Round 8 Porter comes in strong lunging in. Brook catches his Porter’s head down with a clinch. Porter starts moving back getting tired but still throwing punches just less than previous rounds. Brook takes control in the middle of the round. Last of the round a lot of clinches.
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Round 9 both fighter still fighting their fight Porter looking on a mission to knockout Brook. Brook picking his shots doing his best to stop Porter. Both fighters looking somewhat tired but then start coming backing each other into the same corner. the round ends in a clinch.
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Round 10 Porter now moving backwards not really punching in a forward position mostly punching while back peddling. Brook now becoming the stalker. Brook still however not letting his hands go. Porter looks tired at the end of the round Brook catches Porter at last moment of the round with cleaner punches throughout.
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Round 11 Porter definitely slowing down back peddling, punches loosing effectiveness. Porter now missing a lot of the punches. Still backing Brook at moments but cannot catch Brook. Brook taunting Porter to fight catches him with the right cross. Porter not throwing at the end of the round.
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Round 12 Porter coming out with a quick bursts of energy, quick clinch then break then repeat. Porter trying to ko Brook with wide hooks. Brook continues to stop Porter with effective rights. Brook clinches Porter by the head last round a lot of clinching and catches Porter with one last clean punch.
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August 16 2014 Carson, CA 8:20pm Stub Hub Center
Judges: Adalay Bird, Max Deluca, Dave Perris
Referee: Pat Russell
IBF Welterweight Championship
To be honest I had not really known to much about Kell Brook coming into his fight with Shawn Porter. I want to congratulate Kell Brook in becoming the IBF welterweight championship defeating Shawn Porter by majority decision. Even though I have heard of Shawn Porter I had not had the opportunity to watch him fight before tonight. Many dub Porter as like a mini Mike Tyson, and while he is similar, Mike Tyson however is much more accurate than Porter.
Shawn Porter, not to discredit Kell Brook, because Brook did make him miss, however it was Porter who missed many of his punches. Brook throughout the night did not do anything in my mind to win by the margin that both Max Deluca and Adalay Bird scored the fight. Their scorecards read 117-111 and 116-112 respectively. I had Brook winning however by a slimmer margin of 115-113.
It seemed in the first half of the fight Porter was making Brook uncomfortable. Porter was lunging in similar to Tyson, throwing a lot of wide looping punches from awkward angles, however not once did he truly stun Kell brook. Kell Brook was doing his best to keep Porter away and make him miss but the entire bout. However there was excessive clinching throughout the fight.
Brook in my opinion did not impress me because you can tell he is a very technical fighter just the way he throws his punches but for the entire fight I did not see him throw a hook an uppercut or any kind of power shot for that matter. Brook was catching Porter with some strong accurate punches, however nothing to try and knock Porter out. Both fighters were not really hurt at all though both had their moments, they where very short lived. Towards the second half of the fight Kell Brook flipped the script on Porter. Brook started to become the aggressor. Porter would come back with some lunging punches but it would always end up with a clinch then a break by the referee. Porter was slowing down noticeably and by the end of all the late rounds looked like he was struggling to get through the rounds. In conclusion both fighters went the distance. Kell Brook became the Welterweight champion by majority so congratulations to him, however in my mind Porter does deserve a rematch do to how close it was in my scorecard.
P.S. Pat Russell the referee of this fight needs to be replaced but not just him, older referees should be replaced because it seemed to me that Russell had no control over this fight, the fighters would break when Russell would yell, however he could not really get them to break when he physically tired to break them.